Digital Guide Alignment


In the article, we cover key transformation outcomes for shaft management:

  • Create a shaft digital twin accurate within a millimeter
  • Reduce or remove workers from the shaft 
  • Proactive Management that save workers, time, and money
  • Traceable variance reports that drive work orders to manage shaft

Shaft Measurement Reimagined

Our innovation team has spent the last 24 months putting into practice high-fidelity shaft measurement using the latest lidar technology. This approach provides a millimeter of accuracy wow generating top to bottom 3D model oh the targeted compartment.

Using a proven approach our field teams can delivery a new level of shaft detail: 

  • New digital asset for Shaft Management that captures accurate within a millimeter.
  • Reduce worker time required in the shaft. 
  • Generate 5 core comparative measurements from set to set.
  • Provide a variance report from set to set that supports the development of proactive work orders to manage the shaft.

New Digital Deliverables 

This new approach had at its roots the reduction of live work in the shaft. While we recognize in shaft inspection will always be required this approach allows a major reduction in the requirement for interval measurements shaft management workers.

In return it allows for the collection of a unique set of deliverables at whatever frequency the shaft management team deems appropriate. The results include: 

  • Shaft 3D model (PTS or PTX format) by set. 
  • 360 Video by set. 
  • DXF measurements
    • Face to Face 
    • Guide Alignment,
    • Bunton, 
    • Divide, 
    • Guide width & depth).
  • Findings Summary Table to support Work Order Definition.

The Implications 

Creating a new Digital Asset for any site: SafeSight can now create a new Shaft Digital Asset that creates an accurate baseline to the mm after a new construction or refurbishment of any shaft or shaft compartment. This digital asset can be used over the life of the shaft. 

Digital Guide Alignment;  Our digital alignment capability will allow for a 1mm alignment of the guides. For a 3000 ft shaft this takes approximately 10 hrs of data collection and 24hrs of processing. The result is the identification of specific points of variance from the headframe for the length of the shaft.

Regression Data and compare is now possible. Trends and aggregation can support more effective management and operations 

Reduce Shaft Guide Stockpile: Digital shaft measurement done at least twice annual can create enough guide insight to allow for more precise guide inventory and lower inventory requirements. That means less guides in inventory. 

The next logical step in shaft management is the application of LiDAR technology for safe, proactive shaft measurement.
